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Scott Pinkelman

web development, data visualization, digital literacy

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Checking for Vulnerable Drupal Modules with drush and egrep

Use drush to quickly check for highly vulnerable modules in Drupal


Bash Script for Drush Security Updates

Simple Script to Automate Drupal Security Updates

Scraping SEPTA with Python

Script to download all of SEPTA's bus and trolley KML files

Who's Afraid of the Internet?

Digital Literacy, Corporate Data-Mining, and Government Surveillance

JobScout and Digital Literacy for Job Seekers

The challenges of teaching digital literacy skills to job seekers and how the JobScout platform helps


Google Sheets Column Sorter with Google Apps Scripts

Ready-to-use script to sort columns in Google Sheets -- for the non-coder

Up and Running With Mail-in-a-Box

Impression on setting up my own mail server with Mail-in-a-Box

Compiling Spreadsheets in Google Sheets

A Google Apps script to copy sheet values to a master.

Using COUNTIFS in the New Google Sheets (February 2014)

Working with the COUNTIFS in the new google sheets.


Responsive Toggle Menu in Omega 3.x

How to make a responsive toggle menu in Omega 3.x


data (4) digital literacy (2) drupal (1) drush (1) education (1) email (1) google apps scripts (2) linux (3) privacy (2) python (1) responsive design (1) reviews (1) spreadsheets (3)